Let’s get down to business

THE BENEFITS OF Openhouse Live

When it comes to profitability within any business, time is money. In any industry where time spent out of the office or travelling – even locally is a way of life, that’s profitability leakage right there. But that’s not all. The benefits of doing business virtually are substantial, and here are just a few highlights of using Openhouse Live to showcase your property or venue through a virtual tour.


For local, regional, national or international real estate, residential property agents or commercial property agents time spent on the road, rail or in the air are part and parcel of the job (or they were until March 2020). But that time spent travelling (especially by car) is pretty much dead time… even more dead if the customer you’re travelling to meet, isn’t interested in the property you’re going to see. Openhouse Live used in conjunction with a 3d or 360 virtual tour, negates the need for travel – at least at the initial stage – freeing up your diary for more pressing aspects of your job.

Did you know? Half of real estate agents say they spend at least an hour of every working day travelling as part of their job?


On the subject of unsuccessful viewings, in the real world, if a property or venue doesn’t meet the needs of the customer, it would be down to you to find or recommend another, arrange a viewing and start the process all over again. In the virtual world with Openhouse Live, you can create a portfolio of multiple properties or venues to showcase in one sitting. This provides the customer with the opportunity of comparing properties in just seconds and increases your chances of success.


Even co-ordinating diaries with one customer or client can be tricky with the changing demands of both personal and professional life, never mind when there are multiple parties involved from different corners of the country, or even around the globe. So being able to meet in a virtual tour and explore a property or venue together, from anywhere in the world certainly reduces the headache of diary synchronisation and adds a little flexibility into the mix.


The travel gains of adopting Openhouse Live as a bolt on to your 3D virtual tour package are significant. Not only in time and money (see those business expenses falling through the floor) but in terms of bio safety from an infection control perspective (lots to learn from Covid-19) as well as reducing your businesses carbon footprint and increasing your green credentials. That’s a great PR story right there.

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